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3:30   Rise

4:00   Matins/Vigils

4:35   Sacred Reading - Prayer       


          First Hour

6:15   Duties

8:20   Third Hour

8:30   Divine Liturgy

10:00 Work

1:00   Sixth Hour - Examen         
          Dinner (reading)
          Followed by Hegumena’s exhortation  

          Visit to the Blessed Sacrament    

          Ninth Hour

2:30   Work

4:20   Vespers
          Compline - Examen

5:20   Supper / Collation in silence

          Finishing duties

6:45   Bell for Great silence

6:45   Reading/prayer in the cells

8:00   Retire

It is You whom I invoke, O Lord.

In the morning You hear me;

In the morning I offer You my prayer,

watching and waiting.

~ Psalm 5

It is through schedule that a monastic community must try to find a balance between communal life and solitude, between manual labor and leisure, between liturgical and private prayer, between the day’s business and the night’s rest. Our schedule is a result of the years of experience and is grounded in the long lasting monastic tradition.

Visit the Monastery Pantry website

Visit the CMC Miniatures website

Email: mpoy25@ptd.net

Holy Annunciation Monastery

403 West County Road

Sugarloaf, PA 18249

Phone: 570-788-1205